
It's time to give back #OneCoinOneNation

We've all paused our lives and this pandemic is getting the better of us. We're getting tired of being on the edge of our seats all the time, stressing out about such unanticipated times. The word "positive" has taken an unforeseen and unhealthy toll on us. Switching on the news to see recurring negativity has pushed us to maximum frustration. But honestly? We'll get through this!

Recovery is the blurriest image, but it's there. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. These are the times we need to stick together, put up a united front and blow out this negativity of our lives. It is our collective efforts that will help us all to move ahead from this small bump on the road. The government is putting in utmost efforts and in an unexpectedly efficient manner. Maybe, us privileged ones at least, can pitch in by spreading as much positivity as possible. We truly believe that the air of pessimism around us can only be defeated by a hopeful and constructive mind-set. .

We always take from the nation don't you think so? Its time to give back to the nation, its time take a pledge

It is frustrating to just sit at home and not do anything about all this, isn’t it? Maybe we can’t just get over the stress in a flash, and we shouldn’t pressure ourselves into that either. However, we can try to like focus on the little things and appreciating them, check upon a friend who might be hit with a lot anxiety, cook something special or even play online games with our friends.

Our Goal-

In an attempt to spread such positivity and help the nation, we at Skillship want to initiate a movement that requires almost no effort but has the potential to create a huge impact! We have a population of 130 crores and some more, and if each and every one of us can simply donate 1 Rupee to the PM Care Funds, we would not only be helping the government with financial aid to combat the pandemic but also be creating an optimistic environment. Just 1 unit of money from every one of us can leave an impression, an impression that shows we jointly are willing to co-operate and contribute in any means we can!

We Skillship Foundation

Took an initiative and we are doing it in our own way. We are mentoring all others in our responsible fields and spreading this message of #OneCoinOneNation through it, We are also spreading the extra food to the needful and spreading the #OneCoinOneNation message, We are also Distributing the Books, Magazine, Novels, Newsletter’s, each extra thing we are having to others and passing the message of #OneCoinOneNation.

We hope this Virus end up soon and we will start a normal life soon. This is the test taken by GOD. I wish you all Good Luck with your test. Let's prepare together, Stand Together and let us get a pass with distingué in GOD’s Exam. God Bless You, #stayhome #staysafe

Initiative Supported By 93.5 REDFM

This is a recording of a talk on 93.5 RED FM for our Initiative #OneCoinOneNation is hosted by 93.5 REDFM

Support from public

Thank you so much for your kind support guys, we salute your dedication towards our country
#wetogetherhittogether #onecoinonenation