Efficient Education on its way?
3rd August 2020

why do you need to join Hack0nfest2020?
8th December 2020The Aatmanirbhar project is an initiative to make today’s generation self-dependent concerning technology. This is a 3-month long project which focuses on educating as well as giving practical experience in different fields of technology. The main goal is to provide effective communication between the mentors and the mentees. We also have industry experts to guide the student and help them choose their careers according to their field of interest. A 3-month extensive program stretching across four domains which will not only help participants learn new things but also connect them across to highly qualified, experienced industry professionals. A 1.5 month total learning process followed by a 1.5-month tenure of a capstone project, with personally allotted mentors who will guide them regularly. A highly competitive, informative, and interactive learning experience, it is aimed to make sure the participants learn and then apply those learning to projects to build amazing things!
The program will be launched from June 1st and will be kickstarted by an orientation, that will be held in the form of a panel discussion, in which members of the Advisory Board will be participating. They will be explaining to the mentees how the program will proceed, and also let them know about the various opportunities such as internships, networking with industry professionals and so on that await them if they can persevere through the three months and build a complete project. The IPR experts in the advisory board will also ensure that if the participants build a deserving project, then they can get it trademarked for free only the Govt Fee would be charged. All of this information shall be put forward at the very beginning to motivate the mentees to see the program through its very end.
One of the most important tracks of the aatmanirbhar program was “Hands-on Python.” Miss Rutuja Kawade mentored this track. It dealt with all the basic to advanced concepts of python. Here is the detailed workflow of this track.
Week-1 covered all installation processes like Jupyter notebooks, anaconda, vs code, etc. All basic concepts of python were covered, syntax and semantics, methods, and functions. Problem-solving on the concepts taught was an integral part of the python track. Week-2 dealt with the basics of procedural programming, and all Python Data Structures, their real-time implementation in the world of data science and machine learning. Week-3 covered Introduction to Python Libraries, Hands-on Numpy, and implementation of NumPy for data analysis and EDA. Week-4 dealt with advanced pandas concepts from importing a CSV file to working with real-time big data with pandas.
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Rutuja Kawade