About Skillship
SkillShip foundation is a section-8 Non-Profit Organisation incorporated under Government of India, CIN Number (U85300MH2019NPL328401) Skillship is open for all network
Skillship has been built based on equality. We believe in equality in all aspects from viewing various sets of skills to education or even people belonging to all walks of life equality and through this we hope to reach to the ground level and educate everyone with no discrimination we like to establish a culture of entrepreneurship – what youngsters need right now, to embrace their skills and be able to grow with that trait rather than grow around it.
Skillship Foundation has been established as a Section 8 company under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) to improve the skills of people through sustainable development initiatives.
Skillship Foundation aims to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
We are spreading innovation to sprouting Technical and Non-Technical energetic people with the goal that they get appropriate knowledge and skills at an authentic purpose of time

Prioritized goals
Prioritized goals under the SDG framework are the Skillship Foundation’s focus as compliance to these goals will ultimately lead the Foundation to its final goal - end poverty, provide skills and bring peace, prosperity and employment into the region..